The Christian and Sw**ring

Long story short, swearing is about a third of the reason I wanted to study English in the first place. I wrote several academic papers in college about it, read many passages of scriptures concerning it, and struggled with the ethics of swearing in creative media and writing constantly (and still do).

That all being said, I want to talk about swearing, because it seems like very few people do, and I think God has given me an interest in swearing that I have not shared much before (which is a strange thing to say).

The discussion below is a long one, but it is much shorter than the pages on pages of material I have written about during my time in school. I wanted to summarize and point to what I thought was the most helpful and most important.

The result is over 3500 words on the topic of swearing in an academic sense with a Christian perspective. If that sounds interesting to you, then please continue reading…


There are only so many words in the English language, and you might come to find that most of them are not worth using.

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